Travel Time and Delay Surveys

Travel time, a fundamental measure in transportation, is the total elapsed time necessary for a vehicle to travel from one point to another over a specified route under existing traffic conditions. Delay on the other hand is the time lost to travel because of traffic frictions and traffic control devices. Travel time and delay studies are used to evaluate traffic conditions such as the onset of congestion along major corridors, and the impacts of developments such as transportation infrastructure, commercial, residential and industrial projects. Results are used to determine levels of service and to plan for improvements.

Orange To Green Solutions use the manual test vehicle technique in obtaining travel time and delay information. At least two surveyors accomplish the survey: one driving and the other recording the time as the vehicle passes predetermined checkpoints. The observer starts the first watch at the beginning of the test run and records the time at various control points along the route. The second stopwatch measures the length of individual stopped delays. The time, location, and cause of delays are noted on forms provided for the surveyors. Travel time and delay study is carried out yearly for major roads. This is done through three runs: one for morning peak, one for afternoon peak, and another run for evening peak on a road corridor performed on a regular weekday. A total of six runs are performed, which include northbound and southbound travel each for peak and off-peak periods. Finally, the obtained data are recorded as the basis for transport planning and traffic operations.

The alternative method to carry out the travel time and delay surveys is a G.P.S. based method. Orange to Green Solutions would experiment with a sample survey by using this technique, and depending on the positive outcomes, it will be used for future travel time and delay studies.